How does one write for The Elephant?
One of the values that undergird The Elephant is plurality and diversity of ideas thus anyone can write for The Elephant.
The main requirement is for interested writers to submit a pitch of what they would like to write about and a bio of themselves to before they start to write.
What are the steps to follow to pitch The Elephant?
Submit to the section of The Elephant that best suits your pitch. Check out our different channels, Analysis, Opinion, Reflections, or Investigatives, and tell us where your story fits. Please read through The Elephant to get a sense of the voice and features that we have published.
Tell us what the story is about and why it is important. Keep it short and precise. The pitch document should not be more than 500 words. Also, tell us who you are by sending a short bio.
What doesn’t The Elephant accept?
We rarely accept promotional pieces, unsolicited articles, short opinion pieces, book reviews, vague or general article ideas. Please use Google Search to ensure that you do not send a story idea that we have extensively covered.
What is the typical length of an Elephant article?
Our features are between 1, 500, and 3, 500 words. We seek well-researched, honest critiques, critical essays and sharp-eyed perspectives on a broad range of topics addressed from a Pan-African lens.
Can you share an example of a pitch?
Pitch Concept Example:
The Unheard
This piece will seek to explore how, too often, despite holding up half the sky, women are left out of important discussions even when those decisions will affect them primarily. When women are included, it’s usually the sort of woman whom the male hegemony believes will not rock the boat. As we approach elections, I will seek to explore how this is done on the political front. Mainstream media in Kenya has been complicit in the silencing of women’s voices even when they are under discussion be it through having all-male panelists doing political commentary or having all-male commentators in all the major newspapers. And yet, interestingly, many intelligent and politically astute women are available from all the major political parties to give feedback but tend to resort to blogs or other social media for their opinions to be heard.
Where do I send my pitch?
Send us an email at
How soon should I expect feedback on my pitch?
The editorial team will review the pitch and respond with the next steps within 10 working days. Only authors of accepted pitches shall be contacted. If you have not heard from us after 14 days, you can email again to query the status of your pitch.
What are the next steps for approved pitches?
Once the pitch has been approved, one of our editors shall respond to provide curatorial direction on the piece. The editor shall also provide timelines on when the piece is expected by the production team.
Does the Elephant pay?
We are a not-for-profit organization so our commissioning budget is small. Payments discussion is done with each writer after a pitch has been approved for commissioning. Once the article is published, the writer shall receive a notification with detailed instructions on how to submit an invoice. Payments are made within the first 10 days at the beginning of the new month for all articles published on the previous month.
If you are keen on writing for us, please submit your pitch to and we shall be in touch to discuss the next steps in detail.
Best wishes and thank you in advance for your contribution to The Elephant
The Editor-in-Chief