Drawing on the Pan-Africanist ideals and the African experience, The Elephant aims to be at the center of dialogue, community building, and speaking truth in a quest to rethink the African condition to guarantee a life of inclusivity and dignity for all.

Our Editorial Philosophy

The Elephant’s philosophy informs the editorial approach. Founded on the principles of Pan-Africanism, The Elephant was established in 2016 as a platform for dialogue, community building, and the pursuit of Truth, epitomized by a willingness to rethink the African condition to restore the balance of power – social, economic, and political – in society, especially for the marginalized, alienated and dispossessed. 

The Elephant is dedicated to the construction of a narrative of a robust, generative, and diverse global identity imbued with the African experience. 

The Elephant recognizes the importance of the formation, evolution, and disposition of socio-cultural, economic, and political institutions and their relationships, whose workings have laid the foundation of our current existential framework.  

The Elephant’s determination to interrogate and explore the uncomfortable, the unknown, and the under-represented is underpinned by a reverence for fact and a commitment to honesty and integrity.


Editorial autonomy lies at the heart of The Elephant. No individual or organization has undue influence on – or the right to interfere with – our contributors. The Elephant’s contributors should provide thorough, well-researched work that is intellectually rigorous, original, and free from commercial, political, and proprietorial bias.

Truth and objectivity
Since we acknowledge the reality of different standpoints, we all strive to arrive at the truth as best we can, backed by a fundamental belief that truth must always evoke a sense of objectivity in our users. Plagiarism or the deliberate provision of false information for publication is a betrayal of the fundamental principles that undergird The Elephant.

Information for the common good 
We believe in the power of information to challenge, build, and influence society. To this end, our interventions shall resonate – and provoke critical engagement – with issues, concerns, and debates of relevance to Africans and the global community.  

At the core of our commitment is integrity. The Elephant aims to adhere to the highest possible standards in delivering quality information. 

Derived from the lived experience and history of the people, Truth should be manifest, felt, and experienced. The Elephant intends to “keep it real” in its bid to explain society to the people.

The views expressed in The Elephant are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication or its board.


  • Dr. David Ndii
  • Gado Mwapembwa
  • Dr. Godwin Murunga
  • John Githongo
  • Dr. Mshai Mwangola
  • Dr. Wandia Njoya
  • Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor


  • Abdullahi Halakhe Boru
  • Darius Okolla
  • Joe Kobuthi
  • Oyunga Pala


  • Jimmy Kitiro
  • Maxwell Amunga
  • Nahila Galole