A resident of Mathare Valley stares into the direction of the flowing river pondering his next move after the river flooded his home.
A lady sits where her home once stood, in the aftermath of the floods
A young boy cleans what is left of their belongings after flood waters receded.
A man retrives What is left of his belongings after the floods, swept away his home.
A man rummages through the remains of what was once his dwelling in Mathare valley
Displaced families find a temporary refuge at Heidemarie Primary School in Mathare North.
Mud, debris, and wreckage is what remains of this house after the raging river flooded the homes on the banks of the river
A social worker chats with a lady doing laundry by the river
Friends and well-wishers help victims wade through the wreckage, to salvage whatever remains of their belongings after the floods
Plastic chairs and broken walls are all that’s left of this abandoned building after the floods tragically claimed the lives of its owners.
Resident light open fires and try to prepare a warm meal, the first in as many days for them
The Nairobi fire crew department joins the search for flood victims at the river
This abandoned, mud-caked mattress was all one of the victims could salvage from the flood river
This survivor’s foot bears the mark of a close call, from a debris flowing down the raging river
Two residents salvage pieces of what the flood may have left behind.
A dad asks for a helping hand from his kids to salvage whatever is left
Two boys try to coax a fire to life for much-needed warmth at the river bank
Resilient youths in flood ravaged area sit around an open fire to discuss rebuilding efforts.
Some of the affected victims in Mathare North doing laundry at Heidemarie Primary School compound
Children affected by the floods find joy in a game of football on the Mathare North streets.
A group of journalists document the aftermath of the deadly floods