Fellow Kenyans, it will take CS Rotich approximately 1 and a half hours to read the #BudgetKE2019 speech. In that time alone, Kenya’s debt will have accrued an interest of Kshs.62,737,200.
6 years ago, Jubilee came into power. Since then, Kenya's debt burden has ballooned over 3 times from Kshs.1.8 trillion to Kshs.5.4 trillion
Pres.Kibaki borrowed: Kshs.1.17 trillion
Pres.Uhuru so far has borrowed: Kshs.3.7 trillion#BudgetKe2019 pic.twitter.com/E7hXEC6l85— Odipo Dev (@OdipoDev) June 13, 2019
See the Debt Clock
Odipodev is a data analytics and research firm operating out of Nairobi. They can be contacted on team@odipodev.com